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Virginia Digital Emergency Network (VDEN)

May 28, 2024

Date: 2024/05/26 23:00  (UTC)
Subject: May's Final PKTNET Results

R:240526/2300Z 5586@KN4LQN.#RICH.VA.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
R:240526/2258Z 43333@N3MEL.#EPA.PA.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

Thank you to everyone who checked in to the May net!

May 2024 PKTNET Check-in final results, see mapped link below.


Call	Country	         Grid	Mode	Band
NC8Q	United States	EM79wq	Digital	4
W8KVK	United States	EM89wi	Digital	4
N3FUD	United States	FN10nf	Digital	4
N2GWK	United States	EM77gu	Digital	2
N3MEL	United States	FM29dx	Digital	VHF
N2MH/4	United States	FM03ww	Digital	4
NY3J	United States	FN20mc	Digital	80
K1MAL	United States	FN31mm	Digital	2
LW1DSE	Argentina	FF75qq	Digital	2
KE4QCM	United States	EM73ws	Digital	2
K4JTT	United States	EL98nm	Digital	2
N9PNO	United States	EN61cq	Digital	2
KQ6UP	United States	DM13jv	Digital	2
K0WAV	United States	EM36ek	Digital	80
KA3VSP	United States	FM29ep	Digital	VHF
KB3PCY	United States	FM29ev	Digital	80
KP3FT	United States	FN22hm	Digital	80
KD4LEM	United States	FM17gp	Digital	40
K5GEO	United States	DM65vt	Digital	4
W4RFJ	United States	EL89rd	Digital	2
WG3K	United States	FM18rp	Digital	2
KC3QVF	United States	FM29kw	Digital	2
N4VEM	United States	FM17em	Digital	80
KN4LQN	United States	FM17ei	Digital	80
KO4UOQ	United States	FM17fm	Digital	80
N4WLC	United States	FM17fl	Digital	80
W5PWS	United States	FM17fm	Digital	80
WD3O	United States	FM17em	Digital	80
KN4QGQ	United States	FM17fn	Digital	80
AE4OK	United States	FM17go	Digital	80
KA1VSC	United States	FN31rr	Digital	4
K5DAT	United States	EN54rs	Digital	2
KC0WEA	United States	DM78ou	Digital	2
K6RKY	United States	CM95ql	Digital	2
W1LEM	United States	FN41xs	Digital	40
K1AJD	United States	FN31rs	Digital	2
KC3SMW	United States	FN20kf	Digital	2
WB2CMF	United States	FN30lu	Digital	2
KK4DIV	United States	EM70ef	Digital	4
KA0PND	United States	EN42lh	Digital	2
KX4EF	United States	FM17fo	Digital	80
K1YON	United States	FN32ma	Digital	4
KM6CQ	United States	DM09ch	Digital	2
Band Legend				
2	AXIP			
4	AREDN			
40	Meters			
80	Meters			
VHF	2 meters	


We are looking for ideas for addtional nets in the future, we would like
fun and practical task that show the strengths of Packet Radio. I will be
working Mark N2MH on the July net. 

Instructions will be out in a few weeks or so. 

!PKTNET would like to thank everyone who is or has served!

73 de Glenn N3MEL


(View as PDF)

Packet Bulletin Net - PKTNET@USA
May, 2024

Net Control:
   Glenn N3MEL

View net reminder bulletin from N3MEL

WHO: All amateur radio operators
WHAT: Packet Bulletin Net - PKTNET@USA
WHEN: Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 0000 UTC
              Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 2359 UTC
HOW: This net will accept check-ins via BBS Bulletins only. Send a check-in via any participating BBS, with active forwarding, any time during the week.

This month, net control has asked participants to attempt making direct connections to N3MEL-2/melbbs using any of the following options:

  1. Packet node stack (N4VEM-7 to KN4LQN-7 to N3MEL-2)
  2. Direct RF connection via:
    1. VHF AX.25 on 145.090 (PA)
    2. VHF VARA FM using the Chester County PA Vara FM Network on 145.670
    3. HF AX.25 300bd (offset 1000) or VARA HF (BW narrow, offset 1500)
      Daytime dial freq: 7.103.2
      Nighttime dial freq: 3.596.0


Subject: Your Call, Your Name, Your Town & Your State
Message: Add any comments you might have about the net or leave blank

If unable to make a direct or node connection, please submit your check-in as you have in the past.


Example from Central VA:

  1. Connect to N4VEM-7 via Packet AX.25 (145.730) or Vara FM (145.090)
    C N4VEM-7

  2. Connect to KN4LQN-7 (1=AX.25 145.730, 2=AX.25 145.090, 4=VARA FM 145.090)
    C 1 KN4LQN-7

  3. Connect to N3MEL-2 via VARA HF
    ATT 5
    C N3MEL-2

  4. Send bulletin

You could also connect direct to KN4LQN-7 via Packet AX.25 or VARA FM, or VARA HF (7.102.3 / 3.596.0), and start at item #3 above.


The participant map will be updated throughout the duration of the net at:


Don't feel obligated to enter a detailed message if it's difficult; the important part is the Subject line!

The VDEN website (https://vden.org) includes information about the Central Virginia BBSes, how to send personal mail and bulletins, and methods for connecting over RF (Packet / Vara via Terminal / Winlink / Outpost).

Bulletins created on the N4VEM BBS will be forwarded over Vara FM to the KN4LQN BBS, which will then forward over Vara HF to the N3MEL BBS and the wider regional packet network.

Reach out if you have any questions!
David KN4LQN

For more information about Winlink in Virginia, please see the Virginia EmComm public Facebook group.

For more information about the Central Virginia digipeater, N4VEM, please see VDEM Amateur Radio Communications Auxilliary (ARCA).