From: N3MEL@N3MEL.#EPA.PA.USA.NOAM To: PKTNET@USA Type/Status: BF Date: 2024/05/12 00:46 (UTC) BID: 42714_N3MEL Subject: May's Packet Radio Bulletin Net (PKTNET) Instructions. Hello Packeteers, The May Packet Radio Bulletin Check-In Net will open for check-ins on May 19th at 00:00 UTC and run til Sat May 25th @ 2359. For May thought we could some fun with direct connention to N3MEL-2/melbbs using any of the following options: 1. Packet node stack 2. Direct RF connection via any of the following means. a. VHF on 145.090 b. VHF VARA FM using the Chester County Pa VARA FM Network on 145.670 b. HF AX25 300bd (offset 1000) or VARA HF (1500)BW-500, Daytime dial freq 7.103.2 nighttime 3.960 A list of current check-ins are available at the link below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: Perfered Option Create you bulletin check-in directly from the N3MEL-2/melbbs with the following info Address Your Check-in To: SB PKTNET@USA Subject Line: Your Call, Your Name, Your Town & Your State. Message body: Add any comments you might have about net or leave blank up to you. Backup Option Submit your check-in as you have in the past, please provide the same info as requested above. Have some fun with the network see if you can find a path to leave your check-in direct, I will list any of the stations that check-in direct on the results report. Looking forward to your check-ins starting on May 19th. 73 de Glenn N3MEL FRNPA 1st Responders Network of Pa "Keep The Packets Moving" Never Forget 9/11 (343) Message Sent Via N3MEL BBS Using Outpost Pm. [End of Message #42714 from N3MEL]