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Virginia Digital Emergency Network (VDEN)

April 28, 2024

Date: 2024/04/28 13:04  (UTC)
Subject: April 2024 PKTNET Results

R:240428/1304Z 5174@KN4LQN.#RICH.VA.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
R:240428/1148Z 42112@N3MEL.#EPA.PA.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone that took a few minutes out of your day to check-in
to the net this month and also for your comments. We had 35 check-ins.


Here is the link to final results map:

Below is the raw data file as well:

Call	   Country	 Grid
KP3FT	United States	FN22hm
NC8Q	United States	EM79wq
W8KVK	United States	EM89wi
KK4DIV	United States	EM70ef
WG3K	United States	FM18rp
N3MEL	United States	FM29dx
KA3VSP	United States	FM29ep
KB3PCY	United States	FM29ev
KN4KNL	United States	FM17em
AJ2A	United States	FN23xh
W1LEM	United States	FN41xs
KC3QVF	United States	FM29kw
KN4LQN	United States	FM17ei
K5GEO	United States	DM65vt
W5PWS	United States	FM17fm
KX4QC	United States	FM17bi
N4VEM	United States	FM17em
KO4UOQ	United States	FM17fm
K4JTT	United States	EL98nm
WB2CMF	United States	FN30lu
W6RAY	United States	DM06ii
KD4LEM	United States	FM17gp
K3CLM	United States	FN00vv
AE4OK	United States	FM17go
K0WAV	United States	EM36ek
KX4EF	United States	FM17fo
KA1VSC	United States	FN31rr
KC0WEA	United States	DM78ou
N2MH/4	United States	FM03ww
N4HOK	United States	FM17cq
KA0PND	United States	EN42lh
N9PNO	United States	EN61cq
N1VCU	United States	FM17ep
KO4YAW	United States	EL97ft
KQ6UP	United States	DM13jv

May's PKTNET will be the last one until Sept giving everyone the summer off. For 
May we should just have a little fun with node hopping or direct connections with 
N3MEL-2 / MELBBS and leave your bulletin check-in direct on my BBS. The checkin-in 
will only be as follows:

Subject: your name, your call, your town, your state
Message: Any message you want to send!

More info on this in a few weeks.


73 de Glenn N3MEL


(View as PDF)

Packet Bulletin Net - PKTNET@USA
April, 2024

Net Control:
   Glenn N3MEL

View net reminder bulletin from N3MEL

WHO: All amateur radio operators
WHAT: Packet Bulletin Net - PKTNET@USA
WHEN: Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 0000 UTC
              Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 2359 UTC
HOW: This net will accept check-ins via BBS Bulletins only. Send a check-in via any participating BBS, with active forwarding, any time during the week.

This month, net control has asked participants to use the Check-In Form available from the html to text Packet Radio forms. The form is available at:



Subject: Your Call, Your Name, Your Town & Your State
Message: (Form contents from the above links)



Using the Net Check-in form (see example below) as your check-in for this month.

The net questions for this month is:

1. Are you active in any clubs or organizations in your area?

2. Are you willing to at least discuss Packet Radio with these groups or maybe suggest a Zoom Presentation by someone from the DEPN group? www.depn.net

3. Do you have any suggestions on how to further promote Packet Radio?

Please add your responses to the Comment section of the form.






a. Date/Time: 2024-04-15 10:26

b. To: All Stations

c. From: Your Call    d. Station Contact Name: Your Name    e. Initial


a. Type: EXERCISE    b. Service: AMATEUR    c. Band: VHF

d. Session: AX25 Packet


a. Location: Your Town, State,

b. GRID SQUARE: Your Grid

4. COMMENTS: Please submit your response(s) here and please add the question numbers ahead of your response.


The participant map will be updated throughout the duration of the net at:


Don't feel obligated to enter a detailed message if it's difficult; the important part is the Subject line!

The VDEN website (https://vden.org) includes information about the Central Virginia BBSes, how to send personal mail and bulletins, and methods for connecting over RF (Packet / Vara via Terminal / Winlink / Outpost).

Bulletins created on the N4VEM BBS will be forwarded over Vara FM to the KN4LQN BBS, which will then forward over Vara HF to the N3MEL BBS and the wider regional packet network.

Reach out if you have any questions!
David KN4LQN

For more information about Winlink in Virginia, please see the Virginia EmComm public Facebook group.

For more information about the Central Virginia digipeater, N4VEM, please see VDEM Amateur Radio Communications Auxilliary (ARCA).