From: N3MEL@N3MEL.#EPA.PA.USA.NOAM To: PKTNET@USA Type/Status: BF Date: 2024/06/09 01:46 (UTC) BID: 43870_N3MEL Subject: QST - The June Packet Radio Bulletin Net Info Hello Packeteers, The June Packet Radio Bulletin Check-In Net is scheduled to start next Sunday June 16th @ 00:00 UTC run until Sat June 23th @ 2359 UTC. For June we will be requesting that you check in using the html to text "Net Check-in" form. Here is the link to download the forms: (this zip file has been verified as virus free). A list of current check-ins are available at the link below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: Address Your Check-in To: SB PKTNET@USA Subject Line: Your Call, Your Name, Your Town & Your State. Using the Net Check-in form (see example below) as your check-in for this month. Feel free to add any comments you would like to share with the group! We had 43 check-ins last month a record month, I know we can surpass that number for June. Its takes 5 minutes to send a check-in starting June 16th. AND THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CONTINUALLY SENDS IN A CHECK-IN EACH MONTH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKET CHECK-IN PKTNET 1. STATION a. Date/Time: b. To: All Stations c. From: Your Call d. Station Contact Name: Your Name e. Initial Operator(s): 2. SESSION a. Type: EXERCISE b. Service: AMATEUR c. Band: VHF d. Session: AX25 Packet 3. LOCATION a. Location: Your Town, State, b. GRID SQUARE: Your Grid 4. COMMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 de Glenn N3MEL FRNPA 1st Responders Network of Pa "Keep The Packets Moving" Please join us at: Never Forget 9/11 (343) Message Sent Via N3MEL BBS Using Outpost Pm. [End of Message #43870 from N3MEL]